What have I learned, and how will that impact my learning?

Computational Thinking (CT) is the first foundation lesson of this Computer Science conversion project, which introduces us transfer students to the basics of CT and programming. In this module, we were introduced to the basic concepts of programming languages, writing scripts to solve mathematical problems, and developing web pages using software development tools. I now understand better how to use CT to analyze issues and express solutions in a way that computers can understand. This clear understanding of CT will help me learn programming, data structures, and algorithms in the future and help me locate where I need to improve my thinking patterns to come up with solutions.

I honestly admit that I was a learner who relied on visual and perceptual rather than rational thinking. Besides, as a transfer student, I had no exposure to programming knowledge at the undergraduate level or work. Thus, I did not think I was qualified enough to develop a webpage on my own. Nevertheless, after applying CT, I realized that this step-by-step cognitive strategy benefits me by encouraging me to approach problems systematically. Take this assessment as an example; I carefully reviewed the requirements and broke them down into several sections, highlighting knowledge such as flex and grid layouts. After this, I referenced the structure of several typical websites to learn from. Unlike previous tasks where I wasted time on details, I started with the framework, worked through the critical issues before refining the details, concluded my result, and learned from classic cases.

In hindsight, if I could have applied this thinking method to my study and work earlier, I would have learned more efficiently and been further along in my career path. In the past, when I encountered issues that looked complex at first glance, I wasted much time dealing with my fear of them and tackling them separately without any reflection. Apart from this, I also failed to take stock of my problem-solving experience, thinking about whether they could be reused and reflecting on where I could have done better.

Not only in Computer Science studies and work, but also in other studies of other subjects and even in daily life, CT can help us to identify problems, find solutions logically and learn productively. In the future, I intend to use CT in a broader range of areas and scenarios, including but not limited to code learning. Therefore, this mindset is going to be used more frequently in coding learning - after all, that's how computers work. It is really exciting to find out that almost every situation and solving method can be described as Pseudo. Moreover, I will practice CT to help solve problems across other fields, including mathematics, software design and humanities, making connections between these topics and applying the learning to regular life.
